Inspire Video Series: Painting the World

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    March 28, 2019

Inspire Video Series: Painting the World


While many people hit the snooze button on weekdays, hoping to steal a few precious minutes of sleep, Wray Ward Senior Project Manager Ashton Nichols prefers to lace up her running shoes and get out on the trails before she heads to the office. Those quiet, early morning miles gift her the space and time to take note of the world’s minutiae — little details that can inspire something beautiful and abstract.

Those details provide the creative genesis for Ashton’s paintings, a passion she channels into her work with her teammates and clients at Wray Ward. Whether collaborating with copywriters and designers to craft stories or articulating their vision to the client, she taps into her painting degree to empower brilliant and better performing work.

Ashton says if you stop to look, you can see beauty in almost everything. We agree, and that’s why we’re committed to sharing our own people and the experiences, both great and small, that shape them in a special way. It’s why we’re proud to feature Ashton in our newest Inspire video, part of a series that tells the story behind the talent at Wray Ward.

For more from this incredible project, check out the tales of Content Lead Laura King Edwards, author and advocate, and Senior Designer Dave Haire, musician and dad. I think you’ll enjoy Ashton’s video, and I hope it inspires you to savor the little details that make our world beautiful.

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