Inspire Video Series: Introducing Wray Ward’s Greatest Asset — Our People

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    May 22, 2018

Inspire Video Series: Introducing Wray Ward’s Greatest Asset — Our People


When Wray Ward moved into our current office space in 2007, the beautiful, inspirational setting motivated us to reexamine some of the ways in which we tell our own story. That story starts with our people, which is why, that same year, we redesigned our business cards to include tiny narratives behind the name and job title.

Our clients and partners loved this special touch as much as our staff, and since then, we’ve told other stories in little ways, culminating with the agency’s 40th anniversary celebration in 2017. But we wanted to do even more to share our passionate, talented people with the world outside these walls.

Enter the Inspire video series.

This series is the story behind the talent at Wray Ward — their passion projects, their care and love for others or their fight for something meaningful. It’s a chance to learn more about who they are and the why behind it. The musicians and painters, pit masters and runners. These are the experiences that shape us.

But the Inspire videos are also our chance to move even a single person to take a painting class or join an intramural league or pick up a set of drumsticks for the first time. To do something outside of their comfort zone, something that might just change their life or someone else’s life.

That’s the real meaning of Inspire.

With that, I’m excited to share the first installment of the series, starring our own senior designer, Dave Haire. Dave is a wonderful designer, but he’s also a talented musician. Dave began a personal music project as a way to get some of the beats out of his head, free from formal boundaries or outside expectations. He never imagined how the tracks he created would impact his son, Griffin.

I hope that by watching Dave’s video, you’ll be excited to work with someone like him, but I also hope you’ll be inspired to tap into your own talents, whether to help others or feed your soul.

Meanwhile, stay tuned, as we’ll release more of these amazing stories in the coming weeks and months. They’ve motivated us professionally just as they’ve touched our hearts, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

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