Supercharge Your SEO: Tips to Help Google Find Your Blog

  • Categories:

    Content Marketing, Search

  • Date:

    September 14, 2021

Supercharge Your SEO: Tips to Help Google Find Your Blog

Content Marketing Search

A rock-solid content marketing strategy is critical for any company that wants to attract an audience online, and a blog is a great way to help attract and retain the right audience. While this may seem more relevant for companies that are B2C-driven, manufacturers and building material companies should be intentional about publishing timely content. Taking a calculated approach to blogging as part of an overarching content marketing strategy can lead to more organic traffic, leads and sales for manufacturers and building material companies. If your blog isn’t delivering the intended results, it may need a reboot.

For starters, consider these basic principles:

Create Content With Purpose

In order to start a blog post, you need to define your purpose. You should have a goal in mind that is going to serve a use for your visitors, such as a conversation starter or a lesson. Your blog, like your content, should be created with intent. It should answer readers’ questions, help them solve problems or provide them with information they need. Review your business’s core goals, and reference this information to help build the framework of your blogging strategy.

Establish a Blogging Cadence for Consistency

When it comes to your blog, consistency is critical. Of course, the frequency of content depends on the number of people available to write and create content for your company. The bandwidth, whether you’re using in-house talent or working with an agency, will determine the volume of content and how often you can post. The important thing is to provide rich content on a consistent basis, whether this is quarterly, monthly or weekly.

Maximize Your Blog’s SEO

Following SEO best practices within your blog will allow search engines to understand your content, provide your content in the search results to the users that are looking for related topics, and help you gain additional organic traffic. The below content outlines the building blocks of foundational SEO components that will help you move the needle.

Here are some SEO best practices that can improve your blog’s performance:

1. Achieve Content Depth

    One of the most effective ways to provide a site with search engine–friendly content is by creating blog articles. Blogs are an incredibly useful brand tool to build trust and authority with online visitors while also supplying valuable insight about your company’s products and services.

    The word count for each blog will vary depending on the topic, but 400 to 500 words minimum per page is a good rule of thumb. Aim for at least 800 words for longer posts, as these blogs will have a higher probability of ranking in search results due to depth of content and keyword density.

    2. Consider Content Format

    Readability is an important factor in search engine ranking. When creating a blog, make sure it has clear sections, captions, headings, subheadings and highlighted text.

    Subheadings can help readers navigate content. They are helpful for defining the different parts of the post and identifying what each section is about. And lists can help organize content to make it easy for your readers to digest and scan the information.

    When creating a blog post, it’s also helpful to include the primary keyword in the first paragraph of your content.

    3. Use Keywords Wisely

      Keyword Focus

      A keyword is a term that can refer to the words and phrases that people use when searching for information. Using keywords in your online content tells search engines what your page is about. Using a keyword-driven strategy is vital to a successful blog post.


      Each piece of content should have one dedicated primary keyword and a supportive secondary keyword focus.

      Primary Keyword

      Choose one primary keyword per each blog article. To help search engines recognize the main theme and primary keyword, use the term two or three times per 100 words (2% to 3%) in your content.

      Example: The blog post topic is “The 10 Most Popular Types of House Siding.” The primary keyword phrase could be:

      • Types of house siding

      Secondary Keywords

      For a secondary keyword focus, choose three to five related keywords. These are typically longer-tailed keywords in the vein of the same topic.

      For our prior example, the secondary keyword focuses could be:

      • Cost of house siding options

      • Types of house siding materials

      • House siding styles

      4. Follow On-Page SEO Best Practices

      URL Structure

      For the best SEO results, keep the URL between 50 and 80 characters. A shorter URL is more readable and easily understood by search engines. Include the identified primary keyword. Try to exclude filler words like “of,” “a,” “an,” “or” and “but.”

      For our prior example, a URL could be:

      Title Tag

      A title tag is the tagline or headline of a page. It is an important attribute because search engines use it to determine the page’s rank and how users interact with it. To entice more clicks, make sure your title tag includes the primary keyword near the beginning and does not exceed 60 to 70 characters.

      Meta Description

      A meta description is a blurb of information that helps search engines understand the content and is displayed on Search Engine Results Pages. It should include the primary keyword near the front of the description and encourage readers to click through to your website via a soft call to action.

      For our prior example, a title tag and meta description could be:

      10 Popular Types of Home Siding | Brand

      There are many types of exterior home siding that are ideal for both function and aesthetics. Learn about the most popular kinds of siding here.



      Set the title of the blog as an H1.


      To help search engines correctly identify the different sections within your content, use an H2 tag to identify each major heading outside of the title. Search engines will then better understand and promote your website’s content.

      Blog Category and Tags

      Blog post categories and tags are an important way to organize and categorize on-site content. You should create categories and tags that are relevant to the topic of the post.

      Internal Linking


      For SEO, including relevant, valuable and high-quality internal links is an important part of a successful content strategy. Linking to other pages will help search engines understand that the content is authoritative, trustworthy and valuable.

      Anchor Text

      Choosing the right anchor text is important to share the equity (or “link juice,” in industry vernacular) of the other pages with the new page. The clickable text should be relevant to the link’s content and can include a keyword or phrase along with a keyword phrase.


      Try to link to relevant pages (or other articles) at least four to five times within the content. If possible, consider when these pages were built, as the age of the destination pages are also weighed in the algorithm. Do not include more than one internal link per sentence, and use them as it feels natural to do so. Do not force them within the text.

      Inserted Images

      Photo-Naming Conventions

      Before you upload the image to your website, name the file with a phrase that includes the primary keyword or one of the secondary keywords for the page.

      Image Alt Tags

      An alt tag is a piece of HTML code used to help describe an image on a webpage. Alt tags are used by search engines to associate images with the content of the page. The alt text should describe the image and also include your main keyword, if applicable.

      Tying It All Together

      If you want more organic traffic that drives leads and sales, you have to first understand your audience and create content that speaks to them. What is the goal of your blog? Does it provide solutions to your intended audience’s challenge or challenges? Does the publishing cadence help keep your content fresh and relevant?

      Once you crystallize these key principles, the above SEO techniques can help ensure you drive more of the right traffic to your blog.

      Explore more articles from Wray Ward.