POV #5: Marketing Impacts Due to COVID-19

  • Categories:

    COVID-19 Response

  • Date:

    April 16, 2020

POV #5: Marketing Impacts Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 Response

Most of the United States is in the middle of week five of sheltering in place. Here, in mid-April, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) projections regarding hospital capacity, incidences and deaths seem to improve every few days — a positive trend that is pushing national, state and local governments to consider allowing retail and industry to return to work in select regions.

Meanwhile, as long as shelter-at-home regulations remain in place, consumers continue to dive into home DIY projects, often seeking escapism entertainment when they’re not wielding tools, doing their jobs or caring for children.

For marketers, the challenges remain varied and in near-constant flux — which is exactly why Wray Ward remains committed to releasing weekly updates with the most up-to-date information. We continue to work with our partners to find creative solutions for producing campaigns, engaging with influencers, communicating with customers through social and owned channels, and executing media campaigns that are delivering results.

If you have questions or want to discuss specific next steps for your brand, please feel free to contact Wray Ward Vice President and Director of Connections John Mader.

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