How to Pick the Right Influencer for Your Brand

  • Categories:

    Influencer Marketing

  • Date:

    September 12, 2019

How to Pick the Right Influencer for Your Brand

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is all the rage. In fact, Instagram influencer marketing alone is projected to reach $2 billion in 2019 (Content Marketing Institute).

Things are no different in the home improvement industry: Influencers’ power to drive purchase decisions means builders such as Matt Risinger (almost half a million YouTube subscribers) and designers such as Emily Henderson (800,000-plus Instagram followers) go toe to toe with TV personalities Jonathan and Drew Scott, Sabrina Soto and many others. Executed well, influencer marketing gets results largely because audiences perceive influencer content as more authentic, more natural and more trusted than communications that come directly from a brand.

But when you consider the explosion of influencer content alongside all the other clutter and noise already online, it’s easy to understand why brands must invest in great storytelling, savvy marketing strategies and the right channel integrations to really stand out. Success? It’s easier said than done. And these days, paying a celebrity (or semi-celebrity) to hawk your wares just isn’t enough.

So, what does the perfect influencer partner for your brand look like? I’ll tackle that topic in a presentation at this month’s Home Improvement Research Institute Insights Summit, the industry’s premier event for insights into consumer and pro customers, channels and economics. At the Summit in Chicago, I’ll break down the following factors, all of which you should consider when designing your influencer marketing programs:

  • Paid vs. unpaid influencers, and the advantages of each
  • Macro influencers vs. micro influencers, or famous vs. not famous
  • Industry professionals vs. amateur or DIY influencers, and how these definitions are changing
  • How to vet potential influencer partners, including traits to look for and what to avoid

The opportunity is clear: A Burst Media study analyzed by eMarketer showed brands that invested in influencer marketing saw an average ROI of $6.85 on the dollar (Content Marketing Institute). If you want to make the most of a smart and effective approach to sharing your brand story, I’d love to see you in Chicago. And if you’re ready to harness the power of influencer marketing, we’re here to help. Have questions? Email me.

Explore more articles from Wray Ward.